Category Archives: Fiction

Dr. Polaris’s Outfit: A Short Play

SCENE: Dr. Polaris has taken some people hostage, because why not. Dr. Polaris: BOW DOWN BEFORE DR. POLARIS!!! Hostage: Dr. Polaris?? Do you have like, ice powers or something? I don’t really get it. Dr. Polaris: No I have magnet … Continue reading

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This is something I wrote a long time ago so maybe some of you have already read it, but if you haven’t here it is, my pride and joy:   Batman carefully applied his Bat-condom to his Bat-penis. He slowly … Continue reading

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Nick of Time: Once Burned

I came up with a couple characters named Nick of Time and Emma: Raptor Girl a while back and was going to write stories with them but never had much time to. Anyways, while looking for a batporn I wrote, … Continue reading

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My New Wheels Have a First Name

           “No fucking way,” were the only words I could squeeze out as I stood in awe of the prize I had won, the prize that now sat in my front lawn. It was shiny and glistened … Continue reading

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