Author Archives: Jordyn

The First Purge

Wow, everyone. Who could’ve guessed when the original Purge movie came out all those years ago that it would grow to become such an incredible franchise? Yet my wildest dreams came true! Not just a Purge tv series, but MULTIPLE … Continue reading

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Dr. Polaris’s Outfit: A Short Play

SCENE: Dr. Polaris has taken some people hostage, because why not. Dr. Polaris: BOW DOWN BEFORE DR. POLARIS!!! Hostage: Dr. Polaris?? Do you have like, ice powers or something? I don’t really get it. Dr. Polaris: No I have magnet … Continue reading

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This is the playlist I made in a rushed 20 minutes before my birthday party and it is my new favorite thing. I will probably put it on some sort of MUSIC website at some time or something but for … Continue reading

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I Am Drunk and Watching Wild Wild West

HELLO! I am drunk and I am watching Wild Wild West so strap in because I am gonna type while I do. It’s 19something fuck, I already missed a subtitle. A metal disc is chasing a man through the woods … Continue reading

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2 Become 1 (Not About Spice Girls)

I was at a grocery store a while back when I found myself in their paltry little book section and decided to check out what was available. Mostly because I like looking at things like this, as there is often … Continue reading

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In the past week or so, I replayed Arkham Asylum and then purchased and played through Arkham City’s main story (I’m still cleaning up a bunch of sidequests). I’ve been reading discussions of it and talking to everyone about it … Continue reading

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This is something I wrote a long time ago so maybe some of you have already read it, but if you haven’t here it is, my pride and joy:   Batman carefully applied his Bat-condom to his Bat-penis. He slowly … Continue reading

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Nick of Time: Once Burned

I came up with a couple characters named Nick of Time and Emma: Raptor Girl a while back and was going to write stories with them but never had much time to. Anyways, while looking for a batporn I wrote, … Continue reading

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This Is….It’s Green?

Geek Girl Con was this past weekend in Seattle, and while I love cons I am always slightly rubbed the wrong way by the whole “geek girl” phenomenom. I decided to go though, and get through the only way I … Continue reading

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