Monthly Archives: October 2011


In the past week or so, I replayed Arkham Asylum and then purchased and played through Arkham City’s main story (I’m still cleaning up a bunch of sidequests). I’ve been reading discussions of it and talking to everyone about it … Continue reading

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This is something I wrote a long time ago so maybe some of you have already read it, but if you haven’t here it is, my pride and joy:   Batman carefully applied his Bat-condom to his Bat-penis. He slowly … Continue reading

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Nick of Time: Once Burned

I came up with a couple characters named Nick of Time and Emma: Raptor Girl a while back and was going to write stories with them but never had much time to. Anyways, while looking for a batporn I wrote, … Continue reading

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This Is….It’s Green?

Geek Girl Con was this past weekend in Seattle, and while I love cons I am always slightly rubbed the wrong way by the whole “geek girl” phenomenom. I decided to go though, and get through the only way I … Continue reading

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So I’m going to go into personal life just a little bit and tell you all that my current job is wicked boring. How boring? Yesterday I came in to an email telling us all we should read an article … Continue reading

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